About Us
Greeting Namaste! and Welcome Hi, friends, this is me Arun Gautam and welcome Bistar Khabar (www.bkgautam.com.np)website developed by me myself with the help of different online social platforms. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any problem regarding the contents of this website because I am also learning.Telling about my website www.bkgautam.com.np it is a platform that provides you news about the latest trending news and daily updates about the currency exchange, date converter, Unicode converters, gold and silver prices and free money making tips and tricks which help you make independent.
Arun Gautam is a guy Who is Graduated (MBS) in the field of Business studies, Also, studied computer and technology subject since grade 10 which help to grow my skill and interest towards internet and technology world and has started to work in youtube since 2016 in the name Learn new things channel, Namuna News and Arun Gautam itself. Also, a blogger of BKG latest News and Bastar Khabar.
Kavrepalanchok, Nepal
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